Killabakh Rural Fire Brigade
Captain: Grant Smith

Who are we?
Killabakh Rural Fire Brigade is one of many volunteer brigades located across New South Wales. The Brigade started in 1965 and has currently approximately 15 operationally active members. Our active members are linked by a pager system to alert members to emergencies and is also used for general communications.
Where are we?
Killabakh Fire Station is located at 8 The Crossing Rd, behind Killabakh Hall, where we have two vehicles, one Category 7 and one Category 9. Our area of responsibility includes the villages of Killabakh and Cedar Party, extends west along Mooral Creek Rd and east into Yarratt Forrest. The topography is largely farm land and forest and is undulating to steep.
What do we do?
Fight Fires in the Bush
This involves fighting fires that may be either close to property or in remote areas. The fires that we respond to may either be in our local area, within New South Wales, or elsewhere in Australia.
Reduction of Hazardous Fuels
Planning and implementing controlled prescribed burn offs of leaf litter and other fuels on the forest floor to reduce the effect of major fires in the future, should they break out, is of vital importance.
Public Education
Public education on how to minimize the risk of a fire to property, how to prepare for the bushfire season, and what to do if a fire approaches is an important component of our firefighting activities. A well-informed community is essential to any firefighting campaign.
Attend Emergency Incidents
The Brigade attends house fires and motor vehicle incidents in our local area. We also respond to wind and storm damage supporting the NSW SES.
Contact Details
Captain - Grant Smith
Ring Grant on 0403 626 504 or email Grant.Smith204@gmail.com
If you would like to join the Brigade - new members are most welcome. If you want to light a fire and have a permit you can contact Grant for advice.
Fire Station - 65505777
Note – there is no message bank service for this phone.
Basic training is offered to new recruits and from there a multitude of courses offered to members in areas such as fire behaviour, crew leadership, driver training and chainsaw operation. All these courses are provided at no cost to members.
Brigade Social Club
The Brigade meets informally most Friday afternoons from 17:00 at the fire station for a catch up on the week’s events – members, their guests and the wider Killabakh community are always welcome to these weekly get-togethers. The Social Club hosts a Christmas Party in December and other functions throughout the year for the Brigade and the Community.

Training day at Alfred Rd Reserve