Yoga Class
Yoga class at Killabakh began as a Men's only group but has since been opened up for all who are interested. We currently have men and women at both beginner and intermediate levels.
Mums & Bubs Yoga on a Thursday is a beginners class with gentle stretching and a yoga/pilates blend to help recover from birth and pregnancy, and build strength to play with your little one. The babies are catered for with a big playmat and toys in the centre of the Yoga circle so you can participate and supervise them playing, and they can interact with each other and with you. Get in touch to see if it's appropriate for you.
Classes are held
Thursday 8.45-9.45am: Open to everyone
Thursday 10-11am: Mums & Bubs
Sunday 9-10am: Open to everyone
The focus is on breathing and learning to listen to your own body's needs rather than comparing oneself with other people. The beginners level yoga poses are noticeably increasing flexibility, strength and balance in our yogis. New beginners are welcome to start anytime and won't feel out of place. More experienced practitioners will be able to work to their own level.
There are spare mats if you want to just try it out. Bring a cushion and a blanket.